П'ятниця, 19 квітня 2024

Roman Petrov*

Peculiarities of a transposition of “an acquis” of the EU in the legal system of Ukraine: energy and customs sectors

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Suggested citation:

Petrov, R. (2020). Peculiarities of a transposition of “an acquis” of the EU in the legal system of Ukraine: energy and customs sectors. Lex Portus, no. 2, 42-57. https://doi.org/10.26886/2524-101X.2.2020.3

*Roman Petrov, Doctor of Law, Professor, Jean Monnet Chair in EU Law, Head of Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy (2, Skovorody St., Kyiv, Ukraine).



The article is focused on the process of transposition “an acquis” of the EU in the legal system of Ukraine, provided by the Association Agreement and other international instruments. The author notes that the “acquis” of the EU transposition in the legal system of Ukraine is a difficult process which happens thanks to the participation of our state in foreign policies of the EU, the conclusion of bilateral agreements and sectoral cooperation with the EU. The first part of the article provides an overview of the place of association agreements in the EU legal system. The second part of the article analyses the process of transposition of the EU acquis into the legal system of Ukraine in the Association Agreement. The third part of the article reviews the transposition of the EU’s “sectoral acquis” into the legal system of Ukraine in the fields of energy and trade in goods. The possible effects of the transposition of the EU “acquis” on the legal system of Ukraine with respect of its Europeanisation are analyzed.

The key words: Association agreement, EU legislation, EU “acquis”, a legal system of Ukraine, sectoral transposition, Europeanization.



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